Throughout this week UK Greetings, alongside hundreds of other businesses within the greetings card community, are taking part in Thinking of You Week. Launched in 2014 by the Greetings Card Association, Thinking of You Week connects us with those we love through the joy of sending a card. With popularity of the initiative increasing in the years following its launch, Thinking of You Week is now celebrated not only within the UK, but Australia and the US!

Our goal for Thinking of You Week this year is to get as many people involved as possible, after all, everyone deserves a card letting them know they are being thought of by someone special. We decided, to help us achieve this goal, we would use Thinking of You Week as an opportunity to give back to our wonderful community.

On our social media channels, we have given our fabulous followers the opportunity to WIN thinking of you and non-captioned card bundles to share with their friends, family, neighbours, well… anyone! Helping us in our mission to spread the joy of Thinking of You Week as far and wide as possible.

We want our colleagues to get involved too and so, across our offices, we have set up our ‘Thinking of You station’. For the entire week, a beautiful variety of cards will be available for employees to choose and send to their most favourite people.

Make sure you get involved and harnesses the emotional power of greeting cards to create a wave of love, caring and happiness this Thinking of You Week!

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